How To Get More Customers & Make More Sales
July 22, 2014
The Secret To Really Growing Your Craft Business If you are struggling with getting customers and sales for your craft business then stop what you

Free Craft And Jewelry Pricing Calculator
July 18, 2014
Pricing has to be one of the most important parts of running a successful handmade business. If you search the web for different craft pricing

Craft Show Checklist – Complete And Printable
July 12, 2014
So you want to sell your handmade goods at craft shows. Problem: You have no idea what to bring. I’m a firm believer in using

Free Etsy Store Policy Template
July 4, 2014
Do you have an Etsy store policy section? If not, it could be costing you sales. Why? Your store policies tell your customers what to

Craft Show Inventory Sheet – Free Download
June 23, 2014
The number 1 tip for those starting a business selling handmade products is to have your inventory & bookkeeping systems set up in advance. During