3 Ways Keyword Research Can Make A Difference To Your Online Craft Business

Craft Maker Pro » 3 Ways Keyword Research Can Make A Difference To Your Online Craft Business

Keywords — They are now a business necessity whatever your niche is!

keyword-research-diffKeyword research is important if you have, or are thinking of, starting an online craft business. It’s not always about getting visitors to your site, but about getting the right kind of visitors. Moreover, it is not only about getting the right customers but it also teaches you more about your customers as a whole.

Ranking for the “right” keywords can definitely help your website and boost your sales especially if you follow some or all of our 30 Free Ways To Promote Your Craft Business And Products Online.

So how can keyword research make a difference to your online craft business?

Well… if you build your craft blog or website with the right keywords, you can achieve a top position in search results and enjoy greater visibility. For example, if you optimize your website for the terms “handmade gloves” and “colourful handmade socks,” customers searching for these products will find your site on the first pages in search results. This will help you gain more popularity online and generate MORE SALES!

Use these keywords to stay relevant. Trends are constantly changing and can become an opportunity for your business. For example, video marketing is popular nowadays, and you will have an edge against your competitors if you use related keywords on your videos’ descriptions and titles as it helps customers find you.

Keyword research can also make a difference to your time. Identifying which keywords are ultimately improving your bottom line should affect where you spend your time. It saves you from wasting your time on keywords that aren’t significant to your craft business.

When creating a professional-looking online craft store, do yourself a favor and take the time to research relevant keywords; you’ll see a huge uptick in hits to your site when you do it right.

Get started with Keyword research with our free Keyword Planner tutorial.

Gary Capps
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