The Marketing Strategy You Have Never Tried Before

Craft Maker Pro » The Marketing Strategy You Have Never Tried Before

Do you think you’ve done it all?

The Marketing Strategy You Have Never Tried BeforeYou’re wrong!

Are you wondering what strategy you have missed? Here it is:

Go out there and tell people about your business! Sounds easier than done, right?

If you do this, you create more impact where your target audience can get to know your business, they’ll get to know your services, your product and it’ll generate more leads and sales.

First of all, you have to know why you should tell people about your business. Why? For example, I have co-founded a business before. Most of you guys don’t know that. Why is that? Because I never told people hey, I have a new business.

There’s nothing wrong with telling people who’s the person behind a business. In fact, it’s a great step to establish rapport with strangers.

If you are not proud and confident about your business, what do you think your customers would feel towards your business?

How else do you expect people to buy from you?

Search engine optimization is great, but it’s not enough. Email marketing is also important, but still not enough.

Facebook is a must, but you need more!

When you do that kind of stuff, what happens? SEO, Google changes the algorithm and boom, there goes your traffic.

Yes, there’s a way you can maintain your traffic over time and adapt to those algorithms, but still, you don’t want to be relying on them. Facebook they did an algorithm update, and now barely anyone is getting traffic from Facebook.

Email marketing before sends messages directly to your Inbox but Gmail made an update and sends your promotional messages to a separate tab that people rarely check, boom, your revenue’s crushed.

Now you’re left with this choice.

Now, to be clear, I’m not saying you stop doing SEO, online marketing, content creation, and social media, I’m just saying that you should introduce yourself and be proud of your business.

I’ll start it off for you. I’ll tell people about my business Craft Maker Pro. It is a pricing and inventory software specialized for every handmade seller’s needs. Over the last 7 years we have helped over 15,000 artisans to grow their business and I know that Craft Maker Pro will be just the tool you need to take your business to the next level.

Plus with these extra gifts you’ll learn how to drive valuable sales to your website and social media platforms.

Yes, that’s me and my business. Now, it’s your turn! Who are you and what’s your business? Please let us know in the comments.

Check this video by Neil Patel to hear more about the importance of telling people about your business:

I hope this post helps. If you have questions or tips, please let us know in the comments.

Gary Capps
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