Best Times To Post On Instagram To Ensure Engagement

Craft Maker Pro » Best Times To Post On Instagram To Ensure Engagement

Are you wondering what’s the best time to post on Instagram to make sure your target audience can see your post? Do you want them to leave a comment and like your post?

Best Times To Post On Instagram To Ensure EngagementI can help you with that!

Instagram is an awesome social network especially if you are a handmade artist. Handmade is about artistry and you can find a lot of that in Instagram since it is the most “visual” social media. We can’t leave out that social network.

1. Iconosquare

If you want to know the best time to post on Instagram, you need to sign up for a tool called Iconosquare.

Iconosquare can help you build your online presence with exclusive insights and best-in-class management tools for your team. You can also try their 14-day trial and see if it suits your needs.

You go to the site, you sign up for their device, and it’s analytics, but it’s analytics for Instagram. Using this allows you to breaks down what regions your followers are from. Are they from the United States? Or are they from Canada? Are they from China or are they from the Philippines? Who knows!

As you can see, using Iconosquare, you’ll be able to see a visualized report, a map, that breaks down where your followers are from and what percentage is from where. This will give you ideas of what time frame you should be posting. You can also try other tools that offer the same metrics. If you know something better than Iconosquare, please let me know in the comments.

2. Post In The Morning

When you have a tool, the next thing you need to do is post your content in the mornings of the time zone where most of your followers are in. So if most of your followers are in the United States, you want to post mornings in either Pacific Standard Time or Eastern Standard Time.

So why in the morning?

Mornings are the times when people are most alive. They check their phones while having breakfast, while in the train, etc. and when you post during these times, you get the most amount of likes, engagements, and comments.

Why not at night?

If you post at night, most people are tired already, or out having a good time with friends, family and workmates. Your Instagram post becomes old, they wake up the next morning, and then you know what? Instagram’s algorithm’s like, oh not a lot of people saw this, and they looked at it, let’s just bury it, and let’s just show them the fresh content.

3. Understand Your Audience

In order to ensure social media engagement, you need to observe your followers.

You shouldn’t just be posting based off the time frame your users are in, but you also need to understand and communicate with your audience. If you find that they all wake up late, then post later. For me, I’m a business guy. I know that my audience is up early, so I post early in the morning.

See what Neil Patel say about the best time to post online here:


Hope this post helps. If you have tips or you want to share something, please let us know in the comments.

Gary Capps
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