7 Etsy Apps To Help Save You Time

Craft Maker Pro » 7 Etsy Apps To Help Save You Time

Between creating your products, keeping up with admin and adding new products, your Etsy store keeps you busy. Sometimes, there is so much to do! While you may be tempted to handle everything yourself, it won’t be long before burn-out sets in or you become frustrated at juggling too many tasks at once.

There are many aspects of running your business that can be done automatically, saving you precious and valuable time. We all know that having more time is a good thing so let’s look at these 7 apps available for making your shop run more smoothly, with less input from you.

1. Betsi lite

betsiBetsi lite is a free web-based application, with free bulk/batch listing tools that you can use to manage core listing data for active listings quickly and easily.You can manage active listing titles, descriptions, prices, quantities, shop section linking, taxable flagging, and request custom job flagging. It also features flexible filtering by shop section and categories, instant text search by titles or descriptions as you type and review changes before sending.

2. ShopShaper

shopshaperShopShaper lets you edit titles, descriptions, tags, prices, processing times, images, materials, shipping templates, etc. of active, inactive, expired, and draft listings. It also allows you to copy listings between your shops and add in a batch shipping destinations or change existing shipping costs (set / increase / decrease).

3. TheFind

thefindTheFind allows you to list your products on TheFind for free. It automatically updates your product listings daily so users see accurate catalog information. It also improves visibility and conversion. Buyers will be able to find your products, compare prices and buy on the spot. You can also view your traffic and revenue for your listings: See your ROI, traffic and revenue for your listings on TheFind in Live Web Insights.

4. Craftpolis

craftpolisCraftpolis provides innovative Etsy tools by merging information from both Etsy and Google Analytics. It gives sellers access to their sales data, hearts, views and alerts of upcoming expiring listings in a friendly calendar format. Combining both Google Analytics and Etsy’s API it allows you to correlate the data between the two sources getting accurate, up to date info about yourEtsy shop.

5. Fulfillrite

fulfillrite_smFulfillrite integrates your Etsy store with this order fulfillment service. Once set up, it allows you to automatically send the app orders to be shipped. After shipping, it will mark the order as shipped in your account and add the tracking information.


6. Craftcount

craftcountCraftcount tracks Etsy top sellers via the sales count in every category and country, updated every 24 hours. It is also great for increasing sales and traffic to your shop. It offers affordable ad rates, excellent customer service and useful information makes Craftcount our top choice for advertising.

7. BannerPlay

BannerPlayBannerPlay lets you create stunning banner campaigns that promote your products in just 1-click. You need to select a product to promote from a list of your shop’s products. Once you’ve selected a product, the system automatically creates a beautiful set of customized banner ads that include all of the product’s details: it’s price, image, description and your seller’s ratings. BannerPlay will then publish your banners on their premium network of websites. You will get full statistics and performance metrics for your campaign. They also included a detailed click report so you can see exactly where your customers are coming from.

There are more apps that will help you in other things such as in social media, sales, email marketing, shipping, photo editing, website, and many more; but I’ve just chosen the ones that I think are more useful to artists. If you need a particular app or if you’ve found a really good one, please add a comment below. Have a great day!

Gary Capps
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