5 Things To Keep In Mind During Low Sales

Craft Maker Pro » 5 Things To Keep In Mind During Low Sales

Every successful handmade seller knows that there are many skills and attributes that contribute to their success, but there are six attributes that the sales super stars have integrated into their overall sales strategy especially during the slow times.

5-Things-To-Keep-In-Mind-During-Low-SalesHere are the 5 things to keep in mind during low sales:

1. Build Relationships

Make a sale, you’ll make a living. Sell a relationship and you can make a fortune. Most handmade sellers focus on just making sales. Successful sellers focus on closing the sale and the relationship. Which is your approach?

For many Etsy sellers, the close of the sale, typically comes at the end of the sales presentation. It represents for many, the final act in the sales process. Selling is not about only closing the current prospect on a particular product or service that solves one of their pressing problems, needs or desires. It is about building a trusting relationship and partnership with them, by becoming a a trusted, and providing excellent customer service, or satisfying their continuing and evolving needs and desires. Handmade top sellers know that the lifetime value of a client is far more than the value of one sale or transaction. They take along view of the relationship. It is not just about this sale but future sales, referrals and customer trust and loyalty.

If business is very slow and you have the time, follow up with people you have met, along with repeat customers. Don’t solicit or spam past buyers or someone who once purchased from you at a craft show, but do reach out to those you meant to get in touch with in the future. Pull out that stack of business cards you’ve set aside and get emailing!

2. Don’t Lose Your Passion

Passion is the great equalizer. It can make up for a lack of experience and knowledge. I am not suggesting that you not develop your knowledge or experience – only that until you do, your passion will be interpreted by others as a strong belief in yourself, your products, your company and your purpose.

Continue doing your best. The higher the quality and beauty of your handmade work, the more customers will return and tell others! This will eventually increase your business and reputation as a great seller. Focusing on the orders you do have pays off in the end. When you really wow a customer or retail shop, they will come back for more!

3. Don’t Obsess

It can be easy to get yourself down during a slow week on your website, Etsy or with wholesale orders. This can be made even more irritating if you constantly check your (low) shop stats or compare your number of sales with other handmade artists. It can be related to the time of year, holidays distracting people from shopping, and other external factors you can’t control. Just remember- when you become super-busy with lots of sales, another person is experiencing the same frustration that you previously felt.

4. Think Positive

Think of those first few months (or years!) when you had very few orders to fill. One way to cheer yourself up is to go back and read through some positive feedback and messages you’ve received. Reviewing these can help boost your creative confidence and mood, allowing you to do your best work.

5. Expand your Product Line

Use the less busy times to work on expanding your product line- you will thank yourself later! You might found that appreciating the new items you’ve made during the slower times once things get hectic again (especially around the winter holidays).

That’s all for now. Don’t worry- all small businesses have peaks and valleys.

How about you? How do you cheer up yourself during the slow times? Share the positive vibes with your co-sellers through the comment box below.

Gary Capps
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