Latest SEO Hack – How To Rank With Google RankBrain

Craft Maker Pro » Latest SEO Hack – How To Rank With Google RankBrain

Do you want to know what Google RankBrain is and how you can make it work for you?

Latest SEO Hack – How To Rank With Google RankBrain 1If you have an online store and very serious about SEO, you NEED to optimize for RankBrain.


Rankbrain is one of the most important ranking factors for Google.
So what is RankBrain?

RankBrain is Google’s term for a machine-learning artificial intelligence system that is being utilized to properly process its search results, as was reported by Bloomberg and also confirmed by Google.

But what is machine learning?

Machine learning is where a computer is self-learning to do something, rather than being taught by humans or following detailed programming. On the other hand, true artificial intelligence, or also known as AI for short, is where a computer can be as intelligent like a real person, at least in the sense of acquiring knowledge both from being taught and from building on what it knows and making new connections.

Here are 8 facts you need to know about Google RankBrain:

seo rankbrain

Why am I showing this to you?

If you know how Google works, you will get an idea on how to plan the seo strategy of your business.

Check this video by Neil Patel if you want to learn more about Google RankBrain and new SEO strategies you can use in your handmade business. He will show you how to optimize for Google’s machine learning AI – Google RankBrain:


I hope you find this post informative. If you have questions, or you want to share your experience please let us know in the comments below.

Gary Capps
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