7 Essential Photo Apps For Etsy Sellers

Craft Maker Pro » 7 Essential Photo Apps For Etsy Sellers

If your social-media stamina is falling or if you’re looking for a new way to boost your Etsy shop’s following, Instagram can offer a fascinating alternative to text-heavy marketing.

7-Essential-Photo-Apps-For-Etsy-SellersThere are over 30 million members in the Instagram community, and a lot of them are craft enthusiasts or young hipsters, so there’s a big opportunity for your Etsy shop here. However, to make a great customer experience; you’ll need additional apps that will help you in managing your Instagram account.

1. Dropbox

Dropbox allows you to easily get photos from computer to your phone. You can make a number ofproduct photos, and when you are done, you can just upload them to a folder in Dropboxand access it from your phone. It will also allow you to share the folder to other people.

2. Flipagram

Flipagram is a great app if you want to create a ‘flipbook’ of image to appear in one IG post. You can use this to share photos if you have many. Rather than spamming your followers with 20 posts, you can combine them all into one Flipagram, with music.

3. Iconosquare

Iconosquare allows you to view, like, comment and save Instagram photos on your computer. It provides key metrics about your Instagram account and get your total number of likes received, your most liked photos ever, your average number of likes and comments per photo, your follower growth charts, new follows, who unfollowed, and more advanced analytics.

4. InstaGetter

Instagetter helps to download image and video from public profile in fast and easy way. It does easy – on the Instagram post, just tap the three little dots in the bottom corner, and it’ll give you a ‘share link’. You paste this into InstaGetter, and it downloads the image to your phone. This way, you can regram a nice clean image and you can make edits to it if you like such as adding a hashtag or @mention someone. Also, make sure to read the person’s bio before you regram their image – some photographers, for example, ask that people don’t do this with their images.

5. Photo Grid

With PhotoGrid you can make your photos collection into amazing collage. It’s simple to use, allows you to choose a lot of different grid orientations, border colors, and includes a fun ‘shake for random grid’ feature.

6. PhotoRepost

This app called PhotoRepost serves to repost Instagram photos and videos. It allows you to repost any photo or video you like directly from your instagram feed, give credits to the original sources, move watermark to any side of your pic or video, change watermark transparency, save original photo and video. No need to download screenshot and use Instagram image resizer to fit Instagram picture size

7. PicLab

Piclab allows you to add text to an image. You import an image from your device, and you can add text, borders, and filters.

Using these apps will help you manage your Instagram account in the smoothest way possible. How about you? What’s your favorite?

Gary Capps
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