All social media aren’t the same.
Posting your social media updates at the right times is the key to improving your presence on any social network. Each social network has different kinds of users and their daily activities vary. They use these networks at various times and days to engage with the updates published.
So lets take a look at the most prominent social media networks out there and pull back the curtain on who, how and when it should be used.
#NOTE: These figures are based on several case studies all of which are detailed below. However, you should test and track your own posting to see what works best for your audience and time zones.
Who should use it: Everyone
What to share:Your online tutorials, content of your blog, and other types of online content, events, ads
Post frequency:Once or twice a day
Links posted in Facebook from 1pm to 4pm result in the highest average click throughs. The peak time of the week was on Wednesday at 3pm. Links posted after 8pm and before 8am may have more difficulty achieving high amounts of attention. As with Twitter it’s generally best to avoid posting on the weekends.
Who should use it:Everyone
What to share: Start, join, and lead conversations; interact directly with brands and customers
Post frequency: Multiple times per day
For Twitter, posting in the afternoon earlier in the week is your best chance at achieving a high click count (1-3pm Monday through Thursday). Posting after 8pm or at the weekends is generally not good for responses.
Who should use it: Fashion, food, design, travel and anything DIY
What to share: Creative, visual content
Post frequency: Multiple times per day
It’s great to be active in Pinterest after 12pm when most people are awake and active online. The peak time is during Saturday where online shop owners are off from their job and will most likely get into their hobby and home business. Pinterest appeals to the creative artist, home decorator, and other diy enthusiasts. The average pinterest visit is over 16 minutes which makes the average visit duration longer than almost all other social media sites.
Who should use it: Brands already on the other major social networks, B2B networking, bloggers
What to share: More formal and professional than Facebook; Hashtags have major search value
Post frequency: Once or twice a day
The best time to post on Google+ is between 9 to 11 am as people are drinking their coffee or sitting down at their desks and gearing up for work.
Who should use it: Businesses (especially B2B service providers), Recruiters and Job-Seekers
What to share: Job-postings, business descriptions, employer/employee research
Post frequency: Two to four times a week
Ideally you want to post content before and after business hours. Keep a company description and profile page mindful of keyword SEO, but your network of employees and contacts is your most valuable (and potentially damaging) content on LinkedIn. Make sure people in your business are appropriate, professional and on-brand.
Here’s aninfographic that contains the best times and days to publish your social media updates in order for them to receive the highest exposure.
Note: All the plots are based on EST.
Here’s the trick: timing is much an art as it is a science, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this strategy. But by looking at what tends to work well for most brands, and then working backwards from here by doing your own experimentation and tweaking the end results, you can fairly quickly figure out the right approach for you.
To boost this social media marketing strategy, you also need to keep track of your analytics – specifically, when your audience seems to be most receptive to your content.
How about you? What are the best times that works for your business?
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